Sunday, March 15, 2020

Nolan's Baptism

In August we headed down to KC for Nolan's Baptism. We hadn't seen Nolan in a few months so we knew he had changed a ton! Addison was so excited to see him. 

A good lookin' family! Brayden was 7 years old and Nolan was 5 months old. Nolan did great during the service and baptism. 

Brayden teaching Addison how to farm. She liked playing with the corn and the auger (who wouldn't?) 

She LOVES to tease Landon - she squeezes his leg, he says "ouch!" and she just laughs and laughs. 

Love this picture! 

Had Brayden take our picture with Nolan. Addison was pretty excited to be next to Nolan. It was a quick trip that day, we went down and back in the same day. But it was still fun! 

No nap and lots of excitement, she was asleep within 5 minutes of leaving their house. She couldn't even finish her snack of string cheese. I can't remember for sure, but this might have been one of the trips home from KC where she slept the whole way. 

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