Sunday, March 22, 2020

Pour some sugar on me.....

On our way to the outlet mall one day, "Pour Some Sugar on Me" came on the radio. Addison had fun with it :) She kept requesting it after it was over. Explaining the radio is a really hard thing to do with a 3 year old! 

This is one of Addison's favorite videos - Ryan playing with Conner's trike. Her top favorite video though, I will not post. When Ryan got in a go-cart accident Labor day weekend of either 2017 or 2018, his friends took a video of the doctor working on his leg. He had a huge gash, maybe 5 or 6 inches. It was pretty deep. It makes my stomach queasy just thinking about it! Addison loves to watch that video on Ryan's phone - weird kid! 

Annual photo with the Pride Rock in Bondurant (Ryan didn't have to duck behind her this year)

This picture reminds me of Landon growing up. I eat a lot of cereal and one night Addison wanted to have cereal with milk like I do. So I gave her some and she protected her bowl as if I was going to steal it. This is how Landon used to eat cereal - ha! I assure you, neither of them were in danger of me stealing their cereal..... 

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