Friday, March 6, 2020


Pickleball is a popular past-time in Fort Myers. Conner & Parker have picked up on it too and love going to play when we are in Florida. 

Addison and I were the spectators for this round of pickleball. 

There were some real dark clouds rolling in and the thunder was rumbling. 

After some really big lightning strikes and super loud thunder, we decided we had better call the game. 

We took a real quick picture and than ran to the car..... trying to outrun the rain! 

We took the boys to an arcade one night. Addison thought the place was pretty cool too. 

The boys spent an hour playing while Addy, Grandma Rita, and Kelly went shopping. They could have stayed a few hours longer! Grandpa Ron spent a lot of hours in arcades with Landon and I growing up, I wonder if this brought up memories for him. :) 

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