Monday, July 30, 2018

Who's got style?

Addison's got her new shades for the 4th. Lookin' good kid! 

Out playing with bubbles. She loves for us to blow the bubbles and then she pops them in the grass. She either pokes them with a finger or she stomps on them. 

She was scared of the swings for some crazy reason for a couple months. Finally around the middle of June, she started swinging again but only if we held her. 

Ryan's Father's day gift from daycare - Shannon is so creative! One night, I watched Addison use her Cabbage Patch Kid and pretend to put paint on her hands and feet, then put them on the floor. Like she was making handprints and footprints - ha! 

We ran to the outlet mall one night. I put a hat on, Ryan had a hat as usual, so Addison insisted she has a hat. The couple hats we have are either too big or too small. The one she is wearing is an infant hat, haha! 

She thought she looked pretty good :) 

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