Friday, July 20, 2018

1st trip to the dentist

In the beginning of June, Addison had her first dentist check-up. I had heard good things about the dentist in Bondurant from a mom's Facebook page, so we gave it a shot. It's a brand new building, it was a really nice office. We were quite worried how this visit would go. If I haven't mentioned it before, Addison doesn't like strangers. Or basically anyone that isn't me, Ryan, or Shannon. ha! We had practiced trying to get her to open up and let us look at her teeth. She did okay with that, but not great. We got to the dentist office and she clung to me. The hygienist talked to her and Addison clammed up (as we expected). We had no hope we would ever get to look. After the hygienist left, she relaxed a little. Which is when I put her in the chair and took a quick picture. And yes, she is playing with bandaids from my purse. ha! Then the dentist came in and she freaked out. BUT he did great with her and was actually able to get a good look at her teeth. I was quite impressed. We will definitely be going back (all three of us go to different dentists, haha). 

Addison was practicing one of Landon's games......balancing something on a spoon and seeing how far you can walk. Ha! She was balancing her pigs and walking through the kitchen and living room very carefully.....

This picture made me laugh, I think she was pretending to be Shannon with a kid on each hip. She loves taking care of her babies! Feeding them, taking them for walks and putting them down to go night-night. She even covers them up with a blanket and gives them a kiss. :) 

Ryan took a shot at trying to get a good "2" picture. It might be the best we get! 

She fell asleep playing in the living room. She's sleeping on her pile of rags and a blanket. 

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