Thursday, July 5, 2018

Two year old photos

This feels like forever ago, the first weekend in May we had our family photos taken. I learned my lesson this year. I will be doing it later in May when it might be a little warmer. It was a little chilly that day and poor Addison was freezing! Sorry kiddo.

We are on campus at Lagomarcino. It was really a pretty area, I actually had never been to this part of the building. Part of me wishes I worked in the heart of campus, ISU's campus is one of my all-time favorite places! 

My little sweet pea was not real fond of Destri......she was in this "terrified of anyone that isn't Mom, Dad, or Shannon" phase. It's rough!! She would actually "yell" at people who talked to her or got within 10 feet of her. She did AMAZING at her 18 month photos so Destri thought this would be a breeze. WRONG. It was a really rough day, but we got a few good family ones at least. 

I think part of the snuggles was that she was freezing too.....oops :)

She wouldn't let us put her down, so all the good photos one of us is holding her! 

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