Wednesday, July 25, 2018

More in MN

There was this puzzle/game at the Como Park Zoo, these two could have spent all day there. They were stumped. ha! 

Letting Addison out of the stroller made a big difference. She was way more into the monkeys when she could put her nose on the glass. 

I sort of forgot about taking "good" pictures, so right before we left I had to snap a few. I really like these....two of my favorite girls! 

Look at that expression, ha! 

She was tuckered out after the zoo. She skipped her nap so she had to catch a cat nap on the way back to Kelly's. We never got rained on and it was a great afternoon! 

Sunday morning was our "Girls on the Run" race. We all were skeptical about whether Makena would make it the 3.2 miles. 

Kelly ran ahead to take our picture. 

Makena is still lookin' good....this was about .4 of the way away from the finish line. They wrote the girls' names in sidewalk chalk along the route. We told Makena if she found her name, she had to sprint for 10 seconds. We missed her name but Tracey was cheering us on and she spotted it. So we told Makena that counted as seeing it so she had to sprint. She took off like a bullet!! Apparently, Kelly and I were holding her back. haha! 

Makena's in the teal on the right, clearly had a lot left of energy.....she was a ways ahead of us! 

My first medal - haha! Definitely not my first race, but I've never gotten a medal. It was a fun race. Told Makena to let us know when she wanted to run another one. She said she was doing a tri-athlon in a couple weeks. We said we stick to running only :) 

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