Friday, July 27, 2018

Addison's first parade

Bondurant had their Summerfest in the beginning of June. It's a small town with very few businesses, so the parade is quite small. But that was okay with us! It was the first parade we had taken Addison to. It was only about 3 houses away from ours, so it was perfect.

 She picked up pretty quick that she should pick up the candy off the ground. She would yell "Candy!!" when the candy was thrown. She would pick it up and collect it in her stroller. We have never given her candy, so she has no idea she can eat it. She just thinks she is supposed to play with it :)

We taught her to wave at the floats. The worst part was that she is so small that people didn't see her to wave back.

Addison with some of her loot. She was pretty proud! 

She LOVED picking up the candy. So I threw her candy back on the driveway and she was excited to pick it all up again - ha! 

This was a good first parade for Addison. Not crowded at all, so that was nice!! I'm dreading the day she learns you can eat candy.....

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