Saturday, July 21, 2018

Living in Addison's World

Addison doing her chores, taking out pop cans and recycling. 

Sometimes we joke that it's Addison's world, we are just living in it. ha! Addison gets something in her mind, and that's the way it's gonna be. No convincing her otherwise. 

Such as telling her she doesn't need to eat goldfish with a big spoon. 

Or that you could use a plate and that normal people don't eat pasta out of a strainer. 

Or that a pile of shredded cheese is really not a side dish. ha! If we have shredded cheese out for tacos, she gets super excited.

I took the photo above because I was so excited she was wanted to swing by herself. And since she's in an anti-picture phase, I was happy it actually turned out good! 

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