Sunday, July 22, 2018

Trip to MN

Since I'm not in school this summer and we are fully staffed at work, I wanted to make more of an effort to "do something" this summer. The last two summers have been overtaken by "just getting by" with everything I had going on. I worked three weekends in a row in May, but Memorial Day to the farm was the first "adventure". And Addison had a blast, so that's all that matters!

The next adventure was the first weekend in June, we head to Minneapolis. Makena wanted someone to run a "Girls on the Run" 5k with her. I said I could do it. I had about a months notice and I had barely started running. I wasn't sure if I would be ready.......

Then the weather forecast came out. Rain. All. Day. The race was on Sunday, and the rain was on Saturday, but still. We wanted to watch Parker's baseball game then head to Como Park Zoo. Parker's game times got moved to work around the rain. But still got to see him for a couple innings. We picked up Makena and she spent the day with us. A baseball game in the rain would not be on the top of Makena's list, but that girl never complains. I apparently didn't actually get a picture of Parker playing, but we were there :) 

And I was bound and determined to get Addison to a zoo. And Como Park is free and I wasn't sure when we would get back to MN. So we decided to roll the dice. We won. Never got rained on and there wasn't a ton of people there. Addison was scared of the monkeys (first exhibit we saw) at first, but then she loved them. She would squeal "Mon-Hee!!" They were super active too. I should have taken a picture of the gorilla, he was running around the pen and then fist-pounded the glass. Right next to Ryan's head. Ha!

You can get really close to the animals, it was really nice. Addison liked the giraffes. We showed her what an ostrich was too. More to come! 

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