Monday, July 2, 2018


Addison LOVES bubbles. She loves to stomp on them in the grass. She was insisting that she blew them herself, that didn't go so well. We have been trying to teach her how to do it. It's taken about a month but this week she is finally blowing hard enough.

She enjoys cruising in the driveway on her little car. She can shift the car and it makes noise. 

This is what happens when you tell a 2 year old that she can't hold the bubble container - ha! It was an EPIC meltdown. 

One Saturday morning, Addison was quite cranky. I had worked a 17 hour day the day before, and by 7am the next morning.....I was ready for Monday!! Yikes. We are spoiled, we don't usually have a cranky kid. So when we do, it's pretty rough, haha. By 8am, she fell asleep under the kitchen table. She NEVER just falls asleep while playing. So I thought this was pretty funny. She slept under the table for about 2 hours. Then woke up good as new :)

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