Sunday, July 8, 2018

The trampoline!

I apparently uploaded my photos a little out of order. Now we are back to the farm Memorial Day weekend. Addison gained some confidence and wanted to jump on her own this time. She would count "1, 2, 3, GO!" She makes the other person jumping with her count too. She had the time of her life!

Ryan was so proud that she actually got some air. We have been working on jumping (on solid ground) and she doesn't really get air. Finally, she gets her feet off the ground now!

My two favorites :) Addison did okay with the dogs once she got used to them. She doesn't like Rocky's barking, but really, who does?? JJ leaves the kids alone and Rocky pretty much does, but sometimes he gets too close and Addison freaks out. 
 I love this photo, it's like they are talking to each other. ha! Addison learned two things that weekend "Good boy" from listening to me pet the dogs. And "Get" from listening to Grandma Rita talk to the dogs. ha! Of course, I loved hearing her say "good boy" when talking about the dogs. Although later that week, she petted Ryan's head and said "good boy" - haha! 

Seriously, one of my favorite photos. :) 

Here is her video from jumping on the trampoline. 

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