Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Pirate Park

The third Saturday of the month, there is a breakfast at the American Legion in Bondurant. Ryan and I used to go before we had Addison. It's a good breakfast for a great deal. We decided to take Addison in June. She was a little hesitate of all the older men trying to talk to her, but once she got some pancakes she warmed up. She wouldn't let me take pictures of her first Legion breakfast, but I took one of her smelling the flowers outside :) She actually was pretty close to these flowers, normally she's three feet away and sniffs. 

This is one of my favorite recent photos....She is fighting me sooo hard on photos. So I told her "If you stand here and take a picture, then we will go to a park". She ran to the wall and smiled. I was shocked that worked. haha! This was one of Makena's outfits so I wanted to send it to Tracey. Please note her choice of socks and crocs too. The crocs were Makena's too. 

We went to a park in Altoona - it was pretty cool! She didn't know what a pirate ship was back in June, but now she watches a Bubble Guppies episode with pirates. She says "aargh" now, it's hilarious (to me and Ryan). I will try to get a video :) 

She loves the side by side slides and makes us go with her. 

Doing some hiking. 

I've read articles about how you need to take photos with your kids. Typically, women don't like being in pictures and avoid them, not to mention mom's are usually the ones taking the photos. I'm no different. I need to be better at making people take photos of the three of us and making Ryan take ones of me and Addison together. Although, I should really plan ahead and shower and do my hair.......

Which brings me to mention, it was probably 9:30am and 90 degrees out already this day. By 10:30am we were sweating and ready for AC! 

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