Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

This picture is a great representation of Addison.....She is starting to move everywhere and not sit still!! 

But we can still get her to sit a little bit. Yes, I realize she only has one sock on. I told you before, that's how she rolls! 

Picture of my favorite things: Addison, Christmas Tree and Christmas outfits! She loves them all too as you can see. Again, outfit credit to Grandma Rita.

And our new stockings! The little toy behind Addison is one of her favorites. It sings a catchy little Christmas song that Ryan and I love too. Yes our stockings do spell "BAR". When I got the stockings, Makena told me I could either spell BAR or BRA. I chose BAR. haha! 

This is a normal sight anymore. When we put the carseat cover on, her peripheral vision is blocked so she has to pull down the cover. Sometimes she uses two hands. It's so cute. haha!  

 Playing with the tree and the presents! She does like the tree and the presents but she isn't too rough. She just gets glitter all over herself which drives Ryan nuts. But we don't care :)

She likes to flip the presents around but has done surprisingly well of keeping them out of her mouth. She does not however keep her thumb out of her mouth. She was actually sucking pretty good on her thumb in the tub, so we had to send this picture to Aunt Tracey :) Tracey wants to bet who can get their kid to quit first. I bet we do. haha! 

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