Friday, December 2, 2016

Hangin' with Henry

It's Henry! We hadn't seen Henry in a month or so, so we made a date. It's always nice to see the Noltings. And Henry is so entertaining! Such a fun little man. Justin got out one of Henry's bumbo-type chairs for Addison...Henry got jealous :) Then Addison was playing with Henry toys and he watched very closely. He must have felt some toys were not baby-proof for Addison so he took them from her. Ha! Getting pictures with these two was entertaining. Henry loved the attention and Addison didn't know what the heck was going on! 

We didn't pick a good night as we went after Addison got her 6 month shots. She was kinda fussy. Not too bad while we were there, but had a rough night later! Can't wait to see Henry again! 

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