Saturday, December 17, 2016

7 months

On November 22, Addison turned 7 months! She is so fun. At 7 months, she was getting up in the plank position, getting ready to start crawling. She could rock back and forth and inch to what she wanted to get. She was good at scooting backwards. 

Loves to laugh! She's also always looking for Mom and Dad to see what they are doing. Watches everything intently. She almost appears nosy because she always has to see what everyone is doing! 

It doesn't look like I write small on board when it's in front of me, but looks pretty small in a picture! She is about 17 pounds and then 26.5 inches tall. She got a big ruler that we attached to the wall in her room and she got her first mark on the board at 7 months. We debated measuring at the top of her head, or top of her hair....that would add about 2 inches. Love my crazy haired little girl! 

It was a lot of work to get those good pictures with my "backdrop" above. This is what most of her photo shoot looked liked. ha! 

My two cabbage patch kids!! HA! This picture makes me laugh out....that smile and chubby cheeks, she reminds me of her cabbage patch kid. 

She's doing much better at sleeping through the night. She may wake up once or twice but is just fine after she gets that pacifier. Sometimes we don't even have to get up and she soothes herself. She is able to put herself to sleep every night. She sleeps from about 9:30pm to 6am. Many kids her age sleep 7-7, but I'm so happy she doesn't. I would miss out on so much time with her! With a 9:30pm bedtime, I usually get to see her for about 5 minutes on nights I have class. There have been days where I'm gone before she gets up and get home when she's in bed. That's really hard on me! So sometimes Ryan keeps her up a little later so I can see her :) 

After our photos, she scooted on over to the tree. This was the first time she found the tree. She has become way more adventurous since then! 

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