Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Julius Thanksgiving

``112````1` (Addison's contribution to the blog)

We spent Thanksgiving day at the Skjeveland's house. Everyone but Landon, Nicole & Brayden were there. Kelly, Dave & Parker took a family photo, so we thought we should too :)

Thanksgiving fell on my birthday this year. Addison liked the glitter hat Kelly made me wear!

Addison had her first gambling experience. We bet on the scores each quarter from the football game. Addison won the 4th quarter. I can't remember how much she won now, I think it was $12.

And she won on her lottery ticket from dinner. Winner, Winner Turkey Dinner! I think she won $6 on this ticket. Ryan put her money in her piggy bank. And yes, I insisted on taking a picture of her first winning lottery ticket.....and it immediately went in her mouth!

Grandpa Ron showed Addison how to hold her own bottle. We have tired but she never holds it after we let go. But she did for Grandpa Ron!

Grandpa Ron, Grandma Rita, and the grandkids (except Brayden). Parker (8), Addison (7 months), Makena (10) and Conner (9). They were told they couldn't have dessert unless they took a good picture for me. Parker was smiling and waiting....kid loves dessert!

And one more in front of Tracey's tree! It was a good Thanksgiving. Oh yea, I almost forgot to list all Addison's firsts on Nov. 24, 2016:
- First THanksgiving (obviously)
- First time celebrating Mom's birthday
- Saw snow on the ground
-Saw 4 GIANT wild Turkeys in Tracey's backyard
- Gambled - lottery tickets and sports betting
-WON. ya know, I did have a classmate in college who paid for college from gambling....maybe that's Addison's goal!! `

1 comment:

  1. Her smile always instantly makes me smile! Love her!!!
