Thursday, December 8, 2016

First Basketball Game

The morning of Friday Nov. 11, Addison was quite the happy baby!

She knew she would be attending her FIRST basketball game that evening! We have been talking to her about basketball since before she was born. Ironically, this is being posted the same day as the Iowa State/Iowa basketball game.....which is where I was when I felt her kick for the first time! It was a stressful game last year and Addison got excited :) 

Then all last season, Ryan would tell Baby J about ISU and "our boy D". We are big Deonte Burton fans in our house! And Addison got to meet him this past summer :) 

Walking into Hilton

Watching the warm-ups. Couldn't get her attention for nothin'. 

Wouldn't look at me. She was watching the cheerleaders at a time out. 

Two of her favorite things - Grandma and Basketball. Oh yea, and she probably has her socks off by now. Getting her socks off might be her most favorite. 

Had to get a picture before we left. She refused to look at Dad. These are only a couple of the 20 he took!

Some ladies walking by stopped to jump around and try to make Addison look at her Dad. It sort of worked! 

It was a good time. She just stared at the players. And jumped when people cheered. Scared the daylights out of her. ISU won 113-71. Great night! 

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