Thursday, January 5, 2017

Weekend without Dad

The weekend of Dec. 17, Ryan took off with a couple friends and went to the Colts/Vikings game in MN. I had a couple projects to work on for class so Addison and I head to Ames so I could work on school stuff and she could hang out with Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron. 
Ryan asked me to send a picture. We were playing after she woke up. Her little cheeks were chapped with the cold weather. 

Grandpa Ron watched Addison for a couple hours. Apparently they played too hard because she fell asleep with her toys! 

Another picture we sent to Dad. She wore jammies all day because it was COLD. Wind Chill was about -30 or something ridiculous. We didn't go outside but Grandma & Grandpa's house has so many windows and tile floor, it was chilly :) 

Happy Girl at 34 weeks old! Her feet look weird because they are moving. And I would like to point out she does have TWO socks on. I must have just put them on her. Ha!  I should have taken a picture when Ryan got home, but it was bedtime. We were happy Dad had a good weekend with friends and the Colts won :) But we were happy to have him home! 

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