Friday, December 23, 2016

First Snow

Addison saw her first snowfall!! We woke up to it snowing on Dec. 4. She did like to stand at the window and watch the big flakes. The picture above was the best her parents were going to do to photograph her first snow :) 

Sent this picture to my siblings....this was Makena's sweatshirt. One of my favorite pictures of Makena was in this sweatshirt. It was her first birthday and Landon, Nicole & I took her to the Mall of America. We bought her ice cream and Landon gave her a GIANT spoonful. I should get the picture of my external hard-drive. But not tonight. 

By the way, the comments I received were all about her only wearing one sock. They don't see her enough to know that's the only way she rolls. For real. We are lucky there is one sock on! 

Ryan's Aunt Ginny sent her this outfit and we love it! Of course I added the goofy bow. 

 Practicing standing! I love the expressions...." let go!"

Dad's quick reflexes before she hit the ground! Ha!

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