Monday, December 19, 2016


On November 22, the day Addison turn 7 months, we decided to get all dressed up and take some photos. This giant bow was actually pretty heavy, she kept pulling at it so it was only on for photos! 

We sent this picture to Cousin Erin because we went to Bass Pro. Erin loves her some camo!! 

SANTA! Her and Santa were best buds. She immediately pulled on his beard. Yup, it's real! Bass Pro lets you take your own photos on your phone but they give you a nice one in a free frame. No Erin, the frame isn't camo :) This one was off my phone, I need to scan in the other one. I think she asked for some paper from the doctor's office that she can scrunch up loudly. 

1 comment:

  1. Addison is on the good list so I will be sending her lottery tickets and paper to scrunch!!! PS: I will get you a camo frame!!! I broke out the camo bibs last week to shovel, can't believe I forget to take a pic ;)
