Monday, August 29, 2016

Getting ready for Halloween

I had the day that means me and Addy play dress up and taken pictures! I think she was in 4 different outfits that day. I couldn't resist getting out Conner's Turtle Costume! I wish we still had Makena's chick, that was pretty darn cute. 

The Turtle was the last outfit change of the day, so I think she was done with my sillyness. She was not amused but I made her stay in it long enough to get some pictures! 

So cute!! I think it's adorable. 

This one was actually the first picture. She was like a turtle on it's shell (hehe) flailing her arms and legs around. Once I flipped her over, she quit crying. haha! 

And yes, there was spit-up on the turtle from Conner. Seriously, the kid probably wore the outfit for an hour and there were three separate stains.....

I'm sure I will be posting more costumes. I know we have Parker's Gorilla in the tub. I'm so excited for her halloween outfits. We have halloween headbands in our mailbox today from Amazon :) I resisted buying the Halloween leg warmers. For now anyways. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Our little cupcake

Ryan's new favorite outfit to dress her says "Daddy's Little Cupcake". Normally I don't like outfits that say stuff like that, but this one was PERFECT. Ryan could eat a diet of cake-only. :) I thought the cupcake on her bottom was pretty darn cute. Ryan is under protest though because he thought the picture wasn't complete since he didn't have a cupcake in the other hand. :) Next time.

 Lifting her head is hard work, haven't mastered the lifting the head and smiling quite yet. She can roll over from her belly to her back. She doesn't do it every time she's on her belly, which is good. She is getting really close to rolling over from her back to her belly. Just can't quite pull that arm through!

Now that we found those toes, we got to play with them all the time. This is how she sits. I think this picture is so funny, such a straight face. It's not like I missed the smile either. Just straight faced. This was right when we got home from daycare. she rode in the car like this! 

Telling her friend the fan about her day while Mom does laundry :) 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

4 months

Week 17! That was just last week, so now I feel like I can say I'm caught up :) I've really enjoyed writing this and looking back at her pictures. I just can't believe how fast she is growing. I feel like I'm missing so much being back at work. And things will get even harder next week when I start school again. Just keep telling myself I have to get through 12 weeks of classes, then I get a break. 12 weeks isn't that long is it?? ha! Ryan keeps saying the first half of my masters went fast, the second half will too. 

I LOVE this picture (have I ever said that phrase before?) So happy in her ISU apparel. The other night Ryan and I were playing with her, I could just sit and watch her smile, talk and kick all day long. She is just so entertaining! I say that now, and she doesn't do much. :)

I'm not sure why, but now when I look at this picture, I see a little bit of cousin Brayden in it. I don't see either of us in her at all. I dug out our baby pictures a few days ago. I see Ryan's nephew Nolan in Ryan a lot, I was surprised. We didn't have many good baby pictures to compare with Addison though. When people ask who she looks like, I respond "She looks like Addison". :) I will have to post our baby pictures another day.  

She's eating Coco's tail. You can see the shine on Coco from her drool. He was drenched and the bumbo was too. She struggled to hold onto Coco, apparently because he was too slippery

And apparently she had enough bumbo time. This was a fake out though. One loud cry and that was it :) 

4 Months old!! Clearly she is sitting up better and we are getting more smiles on command than 3 months. Her Target pictures were better at 4 months too. I will post those when I get them. 

I remember to take her picture of stats too. You can't read the weight real well, it's 14 pounds. We are hurrying to use all her size 1 diapers as they are a bit tight :) 

Addison and her pal Gwen. She only pulled her hair a little bit this time. 

Taking after Cousin Conner by having spit up on her shirt for pictures. Seriously, the shirt was on less than 5 minutes before I took the pictures! 
She looks long in this picture! She is growing out of her 3-6 month jammies. One night last week, Ryan put on some hand-me jammies that he LOVED because they said "I Love Daddy" on them. I walked in her room while he was dressing her one night and heard the fabric almost tear as he was trying to squeeze her in them! She was too long. And yes he made her wear them "one last time". And just last night he was digging through the drawer looking for another pair of jammies that might say "I love daddy" on them. Ha! 

Week 16

On to Week 16!! Addison is changing and growing so much every day. I swear she grows a ton during the day at daycare. Now she has found her toes, which Mom and Dad found very exciting! She is showing Ryan her toes in the picture above.
Ryan kept batting her foot down for these pictures. She thought it was funny. It just kept coming up! 

We had fun playing dress-up and taking pictures. My Aunt Vicki LOVES big dresses and frills for babies :) She bought Addison this dress and we just had to put it on! 

This was on Saturday and we had to get some cleaning done. Ryan was grilling and putting all the stuff back in the garage after washing it out, so I decided to put Addison in the Baby Bjorn to vacuum. We did this a few times while I was on maternity leave and she was content for a while. This was the first time she was facing out in the carrier. She was thoroughly amused. She could easily watch the ceiling fans while I vacuumed upstairs. Then lunch was ready so I sat down to eat. She was content so I left her in the carrier. By the time I was done eating, so she was completely zonked out. I even cleaned up the kitchen and she didn't wake up! Also, the whole front part of the carrier was soaked, surprise, surprise...... 

She is doing really good at holding her head up. Although she makes her back and neck do all the work, She doesn't use her arms a whole lot. She is watching the lights on her piano. And in the second picture, she is laughing at Ryan. I think there was Chinese gymnasts competing at the Olympics so he was "speaking Chinese" to her. Both Addison and I laughed pretty hard, he did it for a while, haha! 

I will continue on week 16 later!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Week 15 continued.....

We apparently did a lot in Week is the rest! 

This picture is a little blurry because we were walking. We went to another section of houses that are a bit older and have developed trees in their yards that hang over the sidewalk. In our area, everything is too new and trees are so small. She was completely entertained by the big trees. Ryan and I thought it was hilarious and we loved watching her. Seriously, our kid looks at a tree and we get excited. We really are "those parents"!! haha!! 

I'm not going to tell you how many pictures I took of her looking at trees......but I liked this one because she pretty much has her whole fist in her mouth. I probably shouldn't mention that we re-routed our walks to go by big trees for her......

She had a blowout at daycare and came home in this outfit. Not sure which Minnesotan kid it belonged to. Ryan doesn't like it :) We had to send the Minnesotans a text asking who the bear was! 

Love this picture of my happy little Cyclone! I remember the other kids wearing these jammies, can't believe how fast they all grew up. It will be slower with my kid. It has to be!! 

Seriously. This kid worked for a little while to get herself in that position to be able to suck on the bumbo chair. Apparently she started doing it at daycare too! Crazy kid. I'm not sure why her fist doesn't satisfy her in the bumbo chair, that's usually what she sucks on. 

She started sleeping on her side. Funny thing is, both Ryan and I took a picture of her napping this morning and didn't know the other did that. But now she sleeps on her side and tosses and turns all night long! 

Addison's first zebra stripes! Love me some zebra stripes. I was so pumped when I found this outfit on clearance at TJ's. I was planning to take her 16 week picture in it that night. She didn't come home from daycare in the same outfit.......

Busy week! So fun watching her change and grow. She is definitely putting on some weight now. Growing so much!  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Week 15

I'm catching up! Now onto Week 15. We started out week 15 (which starts on a Friday) going to Pizza Ranch, we do love the Ranch :) Addison had a blowout at daycare and came home in a pink striped onesie. I send the ugly clothes to daycare for blowout days. I had a new outfit picked out and was going to change her and Ryan told me I was crazy. I said "What if we see someone we know?" He assured me we wouldn't, we were just going to the Pizza Ranch and to run a few errands. So I didn't change her. 

On our way there, Ryan's Aunt Cathy texted us to see if she could hang out with us while she was getting new carpet laid. So she came to the Ranch too. I gave Ryan a hard time for not letting me change her clothes :)   Cathy was holding Addison for a while and Addison's head bobbed twice then she was asleep. Sitting up. This has never happened....she usually lets out a cry or two then wants her pacifier before falling asleep. Aunt Cathy has the magic touch. 

She only took a short nap then was ready to play again! 

Apparently grabbing the toys with her eyes open was too easy, she needed a challenge. So she pulled her headband down. It's pretty entertaining, she often times covers her face with her burp rag, then she flails her arms and legs until either she pulls the rag down or we do. It's as if she gets scared of the dark :) 

Love the smiles in the bumbo! 

She is sitting on Ryan's lap and I'm sure he was doing something ridiculous to make her laugh :) You can see a hint of the dimple in this picture. 

Dressed and ready for company!! On Sunday August 7, Lisa and I hosted a baby shower for Lauren at my mom's house in Ames. It was great to see Lauren even if it was for only a short time! We miss her :) 

Lauren & Addison. Addison was resting on the baby bump. 

We see Lisa quite a bit but we always forget to take pictures! 

The shower was fun but this kid was exhausted! She says hosting wore her out :) She slept in her car seat for quite a while when we got home. She almost always wakes up when we bring her in the house. Not that day! 

"Mom, don't you know gymnastics is on?!?" 

I told her we can pause and rewind the Olympics if she would just look at me for a few pictures. She told me to make it quick! 

She looks so sweet here! I keep saying I need to stop taking pictures in front of the big window, it makes her look bald! 

Oh boy, bath time! Ryan has started taking her out of her chair and letting her float in the water. She LOVES it. Typically baths are expressionless, but not when she is floating. We actually got giggles while floating. She was so happy! 

That's enough for today....I will continue later! 


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Weekend in Minnesota

In Week 14, Addison took her first trip out of the state. It would have been sooner but we spent our holiday weekends at home with me working on class projects. And Ryan and I went to MN to attend Makena's play, but left Addison at Grandma's. Anyways, we headed to Minneapolis for a Twins/White Sox game.

All dressed and ready to go! 

Got her all packed up on Saturday morning. I found some of Parker's car seat toys, so I added them to her seat.
I love the "what are you doing to me Mom?" look she is giving me! This was taken in the driveway, right before we left. She should have been tired and most of the time would have been asleep before we were out of Bondurant. But that day, we were half-way to Ames and she was still awake. Staring wide-eyed at the duck and the frog. We assumed she thought they were gonna get her, so she better stay awake. I told Ryan she will probably sleep with one eye open...... We cracked ourselves up. She finally did fall asleep about the time we got to Ames. That was a long time awake in the car for her! 
Then we had to wake her up when we got to Medford. We fed her, changed her, went to a couple stores then got back in the car, she instantly fell asleep again. We got to Minneapolis and Makena was waiting at the front door for us. 

The two girls!! Makena was pretty excited to play with Addison. She brought her friends over to play with her too. I should get her pictures, I know they took a lot! 

Conner insisted Addison hold the remote and thought it was pretty funny :) 

Conner took a whole bunch of photos on my phone. He was trying to get as many close-ups as possible. This one was pretty cute :) 

Makena was holding Addison and Photographer Conner was over her shoulder. 

So even after sleeping 3 hours in the car, about 30 minutes at Tracey's, this kiddo was still tired. This is how she was napping on Kelly's couch. She often times pulls her bow over her eyes while she sleeps. It might be too bright! 

So that night at Kelly's, we decided to hunt Pokemon. Ryan and I had never played but Dave and Parker were pro's.

Then we stopped at the park to play a little basketball. Addison slept during our walk too. This trip was exhausting! 

Ryan's favorite pajamas to dress her in. Not only are they ISU, but they are super soft. 

Makena was pretty excited to babysit Addison with Grandma Rita while we went to a baseball game. I will also mention that Grandma Rita had to put Addison's jean dress in the dryer twice while we were at the game because she soaked it with drool! She loves to suck on her clothes.  

Conner got a ball from the first base coach. He was the first kid that game to get a ball! 

We are pretty fortunate to have a sister with connections! Tracey got us row 1 tickets on the first base line. Pretty amazing seats! 

Conner's friend Mason got the next ball. Conner was pretty happy. 

The Twins were playing the White Sox. I supported my husband and wore White Sox shirt. We ended up being the losers though. Pretty sad when the Twins are pretty bad this year.....

I would say it was a pretty good first trip out of the state for Addison. We didn't stop for a photo op by the "Welcome to Minnesota" sign on I-35 because there isn't anywhere to pull off and I didn't figure it would be too safe. Plus Ryan and Addison put up with a lot of my crazy photos, I didn't want to press my luck ;) 

Here is our 14 week picture. She is wearing one of Makena's dresses. She liked wearing this dress because she can get it in her mouth. I showed Makena a picture of Addison in her dress and her response was "that dress is ugly!". haha!