Thursday, January 4, 2024

Softball and Farming

My little softball player! I was so proud of her. It felt weird to see her out on the softball field. Partly because she is so much smaller than others and partly because I've never seen her play like this before. Even though she played basketball, for some reason this was different. A much longer season for sure! I feel like she learned a lot and enjoyed the game. She was always wanting to pitch and catch, which was refreshing to see from the kid always in the shadows. She even wanted to practice pitching at home, it was fun. She got better at batting, but part of the issue was probably because her parents bought her a bat that was a smidge too big..... oops :) 

They may have just had their birthdays, but I let them buy something at Duckworth as they were things I thought they would love! Mason got a grain semi and Addison got a caboodle for her make-up :) 

Full grain semi! 

Just a happy little farmer. 

He was SO EXCITED for this gift!! Grandpa Ron had this shed in the back of their car and we moved it to our car. Mason still talks about that day 7 months later..... "Member when Grandpa had this big present in his car and we had to carefully carry it to our car and it was this shed?!?" Ha! 

The first night he farmed with this machine shed, he said "Mom this shed isn't big enough for all my tractors" - Ha! I told Grandpa Ron this and he replied "He's a true farmer, he didn't build his shed big enough!" 

I love this picture :) Pure happiness. 

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