Friday, January 12, 2024

New Hairstyles

Addison pitching!! She was so excited and I was so happy that she was excited! I wasn't sure how she would feel about being the center of attention.... but I don't think she realized she was. Ha! 

And then catching!! She volunteered to catch. The leg pads didn't really fit, they went all the way up her legs that she couldn't bend. But that didn't both her and she worked hard back there! 

Tried a new hairstyle for Addison. 
Then she tried one on Mason! Ryan was not amused. Mason liked it though! He would often ask Addison to play with his hair or do his hair. Sometimes she just brushes it and sometimes she puts in ponytails. Ha! 

The silly faces of Mason! 

I was working outside so he could do play-doh. It was nice out! As I type this, we are in a "once in a decade snowstorm". Blizzard conditions. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing the two new houses behind us. Lots of drifting. I'm dreading looking at the driveway. Ryan is in Tennessee and his flight home is canceled. He doesn't know when he will make it home. Ugh. 

This is how dirty our deck was....yikes! Mason only sat on the deck to look in the play-doh toy tub. He didn't scoot around or anything. That's what living by farm fields will do! 

Yup, taking pictures while driving. Ha! I was right outside Slater I think, I had to take it for the kids to show them I was in a "bus sandwich". Addison was in a "bus sandwich" when she was four and still remembers it and thinks it's SO FUNNY. So they thought this was a hoot. Ha! 

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