Saturday, January 13, 2024

One crazy morning

Boy this was a stressful and crazy day..... If I could have cloned myself, it would have been helpful! It was a Saturday morning where I was supposed to coach Addison's softball team (and her play) at the same time she had dance pictures. So I was going to go coach, and Ryan was going to take Mason and Addy to pictures. Well, Friday evening, Ryan wasn't feeling well. He was pretty out of it. I believe he had a fever. So, I backed out of coaching (I was only an assistant but still felt bad!) for that day. 

Saturday morning at 7:45am, I loaded up both kids and ran the book to the softball game, but couldn't find the field (lol). Finally found it, raced back to the studio and got there just in time. One of Addison's classes was first, so no chance they were behind! Dance photos is a lengthy process. Ha! But we made it. 

To add another layer of difficulty..... Mason still had hand foot and mouth. So I couldn't take him in the studio. So I set up camp for him in the back of the four runner. Thankfully, the weather was beautiful!! Perfect, not too hot, not too cold. I sat on a blanket in the grass and read my book while Mason played in the back end (with the tailgate open). He thought it was so fun! Then Addison would come outside and change her costume in the car instead of the designated changing room in the studio. It was stressful but the kids were amazing and we managed!

She LOVED the gloves. Ha! 

So as I said..... Mason couldn't go in the studio. So I had thrown the potty in the car. And he went in the parking lot. Ha! Kelly told me he should have just gone in the trees, which he maybe could of if it wasn't a super busy place. Ha! But we were parked on the end and partially blocked by a tree. 

Since Ryan wasn't feeling good and wanted to sleep, I wanted to keep the kids out of the house. So we went to a park in Slater. Addison was so happy to "show Mason around" a playground she had been to and he hadn't. 

So, funny story, because of "Mason's spots" as we called them, I didn't want to be at the park when anyone else was. So I told the kids "If I see people walk up, I will say "whoop whoop" and you both come running. We will get in the car and go to another park. No crying or whining, come right away and I will take you to another park." 

Mason knew he couldn't be around people because "his spots" so if he saw someone a block away he would yell "MOM!! PEOPLE ARE COMING!!!" hahaha oh buddy. It was funny and embarrassing at the same time. I mean, he was trying to be kind and thoughtful.... haha. People walking their dog, riding bikes, walking, etc. Didn't matter if they were headed to the park or not. Ha! 

We had a Casey's pizza picnic! 

People really did come, so we did move to another park. We went to Addison's school. She LOVES going to her school playground, which is funny since she plays on it every day. Apparently there is a thrill to her to be there after hours? I don't know. This time they played on the preschool side that she doesn't normally get to go on. 
His spots were getting a better. I'm so glad it wasn't worse. And he was 3 when he got it. I can't imagine the stress if he was a baby!! 

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