Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Mom and Mason time (aka a week of hand foot & mouth)

Mason thought he was pretty special that he got to break the rules..... I allowed him to eat a snack on the couch! 

Little dude got hand foot and mouth from daycare. It was gross. Thankfully he felt good the whole time though! 
He had fun taking pictures! Ha! 

Oh yes, I was the bad mom who took my kid out when hand foot and mouth.... lol. He did great with the mask. He's so little that he never remembers the masked times. He knew he couldn't touch things and I wiped down the cart when we were done for the next person. We were home for a week with this and I needed to get stuff done! 

We had bought ice cream sandwiches at Target and went to the Ames house to eat one. 

Then we headed to the park! No one was there and I carried wipes with me :) Ha! For real, we just couldn't stay cooped up! 

We stopped and watched the trucks work on our way back home! 

This guy got about anything he wanted while sick. It thankfully didn't seem back in his mouth. He really did feel pretty good. His spots were GROSS. His toes were the grossest thing I've ever seen, lol. I made him wear socks all the time because I was worried about Addy catching it! She didn't, thank goodness. It apparently went around the daycares/school and I heard some parents got it. Ryan thinks he got it (he "gets" everything that everyone else has)haha 

 Taught Mason how to play Hi-Ho Cherry-O. Grandpa Ron and I played this game a lot growing up! 

It was a long week at home with hand foot and mouth but it was also fun. He felt good, so we played some and I worked some. I enjoyed some one on one time with my favorite guy! As we said it was a "Mommm and Mmmason day!!"

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