Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Working trucks

Addison did some paid testing for the English Dept at ISU. She had to read some words and identify pictures. Pretty easy! And she earned $30 :) 

Mason loves the ISU football mug that Aunt Cathy got me for Christmas! It is pretty sweet :) 

Mason stayed home with me for a week to use up his vacation time at daycare before we left. We spent an afternoon at Grandma's house and he was so excited about the Lego tractor he got for his birthday that he just needed me to put it together right away. Ha! 

Addison's hair style she did for me :) She is getting good at doing hair! Her ponytails are getting tighter. I'm willing to let her practice whenever she wants..... 

On Mason's days off, we spent some time at the stadium watching the trucks work. We watched the side-dumpers dumping dirt and we saw one get stuck. Then the bulldozer had to come get him out. Mason thought that was super cool. It was fun to watch all the trucks and the joy Mason found in it. 

I was so glad we got to spend some time watching these trucks, I felt so guilty driving by every day and knowing Mason would love to watch them up close! 

Entertaining himself while I work! 

 The kids were picking out flowers to plant in their pots. They couldn't agree to narrow down the choices so we bought a bunch of seeds. Ha! We probably planted them a little late and then we went on vacation and the sun scorched them..... they didn't last the whole summer. Ha! I vow to do better this year..... :) 

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