Saturday, February 4, 2023

Omaha Zoo

We made our annual trip to the Omaha Zoo. Giraffes and Elephants are two of our favorites, we visited them multiple times. The elephants had two babies, they were so cute! 

You can't really tell, but that's the elephant statue. 

The helicopter is always a hit! It's over by the lions, they were laying at the top of their rock and not moving. It was a pretty warm day for them. 

I wanted a better picture at the elephant :) 

They both barely fit on the giraffe - ha! We took the stroller and Addison wanted to ride in it more than Mason. We packed a picnic lunch with a few special snacks and a few treats too. We go from open to close and they aren't even ready to go when it's over. 

We thought the lizards in Mexico were big! Ha! I guess I haven't put Mexico in the blog yet but we saw some big lizards there. 

The monkey house is one of our favorite places. They have a big gorilla who was pacing around and lots of other monkeys. We were so happy the monkey house was open this year since it was closed last year. 

Checking out the rainforest. 

Pretending they are baby birds. We made time for the playground this year, they had fun. 

Actually asked someone to take a family picture - ha! 

 The fish feeding and monkey island is another of our favorite spots. We let them buy the fish food and watch the fish go nuts. I swear some jump out of the water to get the food. But then the mallard ducks come and overpower all the fish. It's quite the fight! 

Another good trip to the zoo. Parts of the zoo are good, but some are so far from the animals. We couldn't really see the rhinos and I REALLY REALLY wish they had a polar bear. We do love the penguins and sea turtles. The desert dome is a huge disappointment and waste of time, lol. 

The trip was complete with Addison getting to pick a stuffed animal from the gift shop, much to her parents dislike. Grandma Rita told us we had to let her pick out a stuffed animal. She picked out a tye-died rhino and has named her Rosy. She loves that rhino, but yet I didn't take a picture (ugh). Can't wait to go again this summer! 

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