Friday, February 24, 2023

Mini Golf in Mexico..... living the good life

These kids love mini golf! So when we found out our resort had mini golf, they were quite excited. So we headed to the course one day with Grandpa Ron. 

It was HOT. And I mean HOT. Everyone just dripped with sweat and your drinks got warm fast. But we still had fun! 

Mason is catching on to the game. I'm shocked he has the attention span for the game, but he is engaged the whole time! 

Girl got a hole in one! She definitely has the competitive edge and is upset if she doesn't get a hole in one in a game - ha! 

And I got a hole in one too! Ha! 
I think it was shortly after this that we lost a ball. In mini golf. Ha! There was a hole that was messed up and didn't have the bottom set right, and it was backed up with water somehow. The water was HOT. So you had to stick your hand in to grab the balls and somehow one fell all the way through and it was gone. Oops. 

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