Sunday, February 19, 2023

Pool and Pasta

Aw these two boys!! They are so much fun. Mason tries to keep up, but in all honesty, no one can keep up with Nolan! 

One of my favorite kiddos - he is such a character. 

This goofy girl. This was the outfit she sported. 

Aunt Kelly got him to take a nap one day. 

Then he woke up ready to swim! 

Addison ordered pasta one night..... that's a BIG bite! 

The staff at the resort were so good with the kids and catering meals to them. It might life much easier. Kids loved them some butter noodles and pasta with pesto. But who doesn't?!

Family dinner

Tracey and Kelly left to save seats at the entertainment while the kids finished eating. The wine is free, but Ryan still couldn't let any go to waste! 

Mason and I waiting in line for some delicious churros! 

Walking back from the party and Addison wanted a picture with the full moon to send to Grandpa. 

And we saw this deer right outside our room, kids thought that was pretty cool. 

 Addison with a coconut from the coconut tree! 

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