Friday, February 17, 2023

Off to Mexico!

The Lents family in the car, driving to MN so we can fly to Mexico! We are SO excited. 

The kids got their passports! Addison learned about Mexico and passports in school, so she was so excited. Mason is just along for the ride. 

On the plane! I guess we haven't kept track, but I think this is Mason's 6th flight? I actually can't remember. First time out of the country though! 

And the reason for this big trip, Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron's 50th wedding anniversary! They didn't want a party, they wanted a family vacation. So the WHOLE family went to Mexico. It's rare the whole family is ever together, so this was a big deal. 


Got to the resort and sat down for some food and shots. Welcome to Mexico! 

Landon making some scooby snacks

The first of many scooby snacks

Some champagne and a bowl of hot cheese. We are some happy campers! 

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