Sunday, February 5, 2023

Mom & Mason days

Mason had a fever in late July so he had to stay home with me. We went for a walk and had to stop and go look at the corn. Fitting since he was wearing his tractor jammies. 

Oh we played cars for what felt like hours! We sit across from each other and send them back and forth. He loves it! 

Checked on him while he was napping and this is what I saw. He drooled a little on the book - ha! 

Oh the puzzles..... we did every puzzle multiple times. He's not happy unless all the puzzles are completed on the living room floor. We had a good Mom & Mason day (thanks to Tylenol and Ibuprofen) :) 

Then we needed some fresh air, so we did bubbles in the driveway. 

 They thought this was the best day..... there was the race car cart at Hy-vee and I let them get it in. Worst thing to drive!! Haha. I was so happy we were only going for a couple things. 

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