Monday, February 20, 2023

Pool & Beach

Mason liked the big pool and jumping in. 

The pool had a nice ledge he could play on. He's doing finger guns in the one picture. 

Relaxing by the pool! 

And some beach time too. 

We bought new floppy hats for Mexico, Addison loved hers! 

I love this picture! 

We took this picture for Mason, he loved that a tractor went up and down the beach all day scraping the seaweed. 

Still love putting squishies on her forehead. They had a contest to see who's could stay on the longest. 

Mason and Conner

 These three kiddos love each so much! Addison is definitely the mama bear and she has to rein in Nolan's crazy ideas and Mason is along for the ride with no opinions. 

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