Saturday, February 11, 2023

Mason got his hair did

Ryan LOVES that I documented this.....haha. Addison was practicing ponytails on Mason. So funny! 

Addison's daycare took them rollerskating. Addison had never been before, but we bought some plastic ones to practice at home. Her best friend Tempe rollerskates all the time so she helped her out. She had a blast! 

And another day at daycare, they got to go to McDonald's and get a happy meal. Addison thought that was so cool (we don't do fast food often, lol) She says "Mom! Did you know you get a toy with a happy meal!?" haha 

Bought us a new $6 pool on sale at Aldi's, whoop whoop! 

Working on our strength training at the playground. Mason might be stronger than Addison..... 

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