Saturday, February 18, 2023

Pools and arcades

Addison danced up on stage for the entertainment! I was proud of her for not being scared. Hard to see her in this picture, she is the red, white, and blue dress. She loved it and wanted to do it every night! 

And she did get to do it again! Ha! She's in the black/white dress next to the girl in the yellow shirt. 

My America-loving little boy!! Love this swim outfit, complete with flag sunglasses and a hat. Picture is a little foggy due to going from cool hotel room into the humidity. 

Addison had a good time in the kiddie pool, searching for treasure. 

Mason on the slide. 

And one of Addison's favorite part of the resort was the kid's club. It was a nice way to cool off in the afternoon and burn off some energy. 

Mason loved the basketball game in the arcade. LOVED IT! 

We had fun playing giant pac-man. 

Then there was an arcade in the main hotel, that was a lot of fun too!

Addison has an air hockey obsession after this trip - ha! 

And little brother always wanting a piece of the action - ha! 

We had to distract him from the air hockey and send him to the giant iPad game. 

And this my favorite part of the arcade, the kids have to tag team the driving games. Addison is running the gas while Nolan runs the steering wheel! 

And the adults have fun playing basketball. 

And of course, Mason needs in on any basketball action! 


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