Friday, February 10, 2023

More sick days

Another sick day for my little buddy. 

Feeling better! Love seeing that smile :) 

Then sister-sue got sick. I'm going to jinx us now..... but it's Feb. 10 and we haven't been sick since Thanksgiving! Illnesses were soooo bad this year, everyone was getting strep, influenza and COVID. There were days when almost half of Addison's class was gone. Same with Mason's, they had over half gone one day. Mason had a cough in January, but that's normal. Ha! I just keep waiting for someone to get sick. 

They wanted to buy these masks with our JcPenny's coupon. Ha! We did not buy them. 

Aunt Kelly bought Mason a tent, they love it! They fill it so full of toys that they don't fit in it. Ha! 


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