Monday, January 30, 2023

Vacation Bible School

Addison did Vacation Bible School last July for a week after daycare. So it's a long week for us, we get home each night about 8:30pm. She was OUT on our drive to bible school one night! 

We went to the church celebration night at the end of bible school. They had inflatables, mini golf, and other games. Plus dinner and desserts of course. The kids love going to "church parties"! 

It was a western theme this year, Addison was excited to wear her cowboy boots! They gave away these hats too, she thought that was pretty cool. They invited all the kids up on the stage to sing. She loves being on stage. She was packed in the back so we didn't get to see her very well. So we took some pictures afterwards. 

Mason was excited to see some hay bales. 

 Addison loves bible school and I hope her excitement keeps up! 

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