Monday, June 1, 2020

Do I have to shower??

Well now it's June 1st and I'm still not caught up! But I am at least in March now :) 

So we have had many parenting fails with Addison. This is one. She is almost 4 and terrified of taking a shower. She actually has never taken a shower. We told her she has to learn how to take a shower before we can go back to Florida. There is no tub in Florida and she is too big for the sink - ha! So we were practicing taking a shower because we had a trip scheduled in March. So we told her we would practice wearing swim suits - haha! It looks like it went well from this photo. It was not a smooth event... there were tears. Ha! 

Another night at swimming. We did not master blowing bubbles in the water (another parenting fail for not putting her in lessons sooner). But she is now determined she will learn before our next trip. ha! 

I love that she likes to play baseball :) 

Oh this crazy girl. She told me on this day that she was a White Sox Fan. I need to not leave her alone with her dad - haha! Just kidding :) She just likes this jersey because it has buttons! 

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