Saturday, June 20, 2020

Birthday Gifts

Addison is really into crafts right now so I bought her a Trolls necklace kit. There are 5 different strings where she can make her own necklace. 

She REALLY wanted to eat out on the deck. We asked what she wanted for her birthday dinner and she said "corn dogs". We were thinking we would order Casey's pizza, but she really wanted corn dogs. So that's what she got! 

I bought her a small kite so we tried that out that night. She thought that was pretty fun. She didn't want to fly it, she just ran around yelling "Get back here kite!!" and then she would laugh. She thought it was so fun. I'm sure people 3 blocks away heard her yelling. 

Our picture at 38 weeks. I was feeling pretty good. I felt better once I stopped trying to do prenatal workouts or walking on the treadmill. Apparently I was trying to do too much, I was getting pretty sore. You can see my dog Bullet in the picture :) Addison enjoys pretending to be a dog. I told her if I had a dog, I would name it Bullet. That's the name my mom had come up with after we named Rocky and JJ, so that was the first name that came to mind. So every stuffed dog or dog toy she has, she tells me it's name is Bullet :) She keeps saying "I wish we could have a dog some day", and I just tell her she has to ask her dad - ha! 

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