Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Making some bunnies

Another one of my many projects..... we made some bunny canvas prints for Easter. We made one for ourselves and one for Grandma Rita. Addison LOVES making these little projects with her footprints. I apparently didn't take a photo of the finished project!

Addison's first time at the Bondurant Public Library. I checked out a few books for her and I. I thought she would be more excited to pick out her own books, she didn't care at all. She sat in the chair and read to "her class" for about 1 minute and then she wanted to try to play on the computers. I realize I should take her back there this summer and teach her how to play the games on the computers! 

Addison was helping Ryan make some green beer on St. Paddy's Day. Wild day at the Lents house :)

Here I was at 33 weeks. I was pretty nervous about going early this time (I didn't). Nolan coming so early last year really gave me some anxiety!

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