Monday, June 15, 2020

Turning 4 in Quarantine

Addison's 4th birthday was Wednesday, April 22. She was so excited for her birthday this year. Starting April 1, she crossed off a square on our calendar each day. She had a countdown to the big day. If you asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she would tell you "A cake, cupcakes, cookies, a haircut, and the same two balloons she had last year". She really wanted a haircut for her birthday, but she didn't get one (all the hair cut places were closed due to Covid-19!). She has not had her first haircut yet :)

Well, I could fulfill one wish. She could have cupcakes! Yup, we bought a white cake mix and we made our own cupcakes. Addison was SO EXCITED for these cupcakes. 

She probably told me 10 times that day "Today's my birthday and I'm 4 years old" and she probably asked 25 times "Mom, when am I gonna have a cupcake?" She about drove me crazy! And that was before lunch....... 

She got one trick candle, she thought that was pretty funny. We had white frosting, so I let her pick which colors of food coloring she wanted to dye the frosting. She thought that was pretty cool. And then she picked the sprinkles too. She had purple and blue cupcakes. She was so excited we had 20 cupcakes. We didn't eat them all that day, we put some in the freezer. She gets pretty excited when we get one out for her. 

We got a few Trolls items to decorate the kitchen and Ryan blew up a few balloons for her. She loves balloons. Oh yea, and she picked out her hat too. I had a few choices for her but that was what she wore last year (and she remembered) so she wanted it again. It's from our wedding, on the back side it says Happy New Year - ha! 

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