Monday, June 22, 2020

A few days at the farm

Addison was so excited to go spend a few days at the farm! It's been a long time since she had been there. She got to ride in the buddy seat for a while. My dad said she took a little snooze there too. I can remember taking books in the tractor with my dad and falling asleep too :) I think every farm kid has taken tractor naps! Don't mind her awkward smile......

She was so excited to ride in a tractor again. Note the dress and the cowboy boots. She loves that dress because it has pockets :) 

This is one of her favorite activities at Grandma Rita's Ames House. And it would top the list for Grandma's least favorite activities. Ha! Brayden had this little car that you push. Addison's feet could touch the ground but she lifts them so you can push her. She has always loved this thing and is probably too big for it now. Now when my mom pushes her, she makes her stop for gas, stop at Target for groceries, etc. The walk takes much longer. haha! 

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