Thursday, June 4, 2020

Canceled Trip :(

This was a sad week in March for us. We had to cancel our trip to Florida. We were planning to go with the Prescotts and my parents. But due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we made the difficult decision to cancel the trip. We were severely disappointed! We had really been looking forward to this trip. Addison was SO EXCITED to go back and practice what she learned in swimming lessons. I was excited to be 34 weeks pregnant and get in the pool to be weightless - haha! And it would have been our last trip before the baby. But we decided we better be safe as we had no idea was in store for the country. 

We were set to leave on March 20. On March 12, ISU announced students would not be returning to campus for classes until the beginning of April. Classes would be online after spring break. Events began canceling at my work. The Big 12 Tournament canceled on Thursday, which meant ISU is still the reigning champ of the tournament - ha! My work announced on March 17 that they encourage employees to work from home if able. Ryan's started working from home March 20. It was a crazy, unknown situation that was very stressful for me at work with shutting down the building to events. At that time in March, we had no idea how the next month(s) would play out. Looking back, my work should have started planning sooner for further out (I would like to know that myself and the building manager did try to push them for better planning, haha). More to come on how this crazy situation affected us :)  

But all our plans were canceled so we had more time to hangout. I was looking forward to a few relaxing weeks prior to the baby. We used Kelly's Disney Plus membership and watched Frozen 2 one night. Addison was pretty excited. I would say I was very disappointed. It wasn't even half as good as the first one. It was hard to follow and the songs were terrible. Glad we didn't buy it or go to the theater! But Addison was happy and I guess that's all that matters....haha! 

I was pretty excited about the pinwheel we found this year for my Grandpa Julius' grave. He would have loved this one. It will be 10 years this summer since he passed. I've thought of him a few times lately, he used to say that all babies look the same and he could never tell if it was a girl or a boy (in conversations about his great grandkids). Ryan and other people have said "all babies look the same" lately and that makes me think of Grandpa and smile. I've also thought of him since I've been at home during the day and Young and the Restless comes on. I quit recording it years ago but I have it on during the day. Don't worry Grandpa, the stories are still repeating themselves and Phyllis (on the show, not Grandma) is still as nasty as ever. He used to get a kick out of Phyllis and her shenanigans - haha! I think my dad is embarrassed that my grandpa watched a soap opera :) 

Well speaking of Grandpa's...... I told Addison that I used to play these games with her Grandpa. We played Hi-Ho Cherry-O and Cootie. Looking back, I wonder if my dad played by the rules on are supposed to get all the items in order. So you roll until you get a 1 for the body. Then you roll for a 2 for the head. It takes FOREVER that way!! We now play that you pick up whatever item you roll, which means you could have some feet before a body but that's okay :)

And our weekly picture, now listing "Covid-19 Quarantine". We started our quarantine this week. At that time, we never expected it to be June and still in quarantine.......

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