Tuesday, June 2, 2020

New bed, new room

In the beginning of March, Addison got a new bed and a new room :) This room was our guest bedroom. We had a different bed frame in there, but I wanted one with storage since we didn't have room for dresser in that room. So we picked out a bed and had it delivered. Addison was SO excited! 

And she had no issues giving up her old bed and bedroom to the baby. Maybe that's because she was almost 4 and still sleeping in a toddler bed :) ha!

 She had to crawl in and pretend to be a baby. Then she was climbing on the outside and telling us that she was going to help with the baby when it cries.

She was pretending Scout was a baby and she was reaching in to get him when he was crying. She was showing us how much of a help she can be with the new baby :) Haha!

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