Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Stepping Stone Creation

Well, since we are staying home I figured we could catch up on some projects :) Addison got this kit to make her own stepping stone from the Prescott's last year for her birthday. Figured it was the perfect time to do it before the baby came! Addison is totally into "projects" right now. I can make anything a "project" and she's excited! I told her one morning we were going to make this stone and she asked me probably 30 times that day when we were going to do it.

First we had to mix the cement, then pour it into the plastic frame. They provided us with a mix of stones that Addison could put in. And they gave us little letter stencils so we could write in it. And of course we had to put her handprint in it! Growing up, whenever cement was poured at the farm, we would put our handprint and initials in it. It makes me a little sad Addison won't have that 'farm kid memory', but I guess a stepping stone will have to do!

We asked her what else she wanted to write on her stone and she said "Go Cyclones" :) She loved this little project. We put it on the front step and every time we go outside, she checks to see if her hand still fits - ha!

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