Monday, July 30, 2018

Who's got style?

Addison's got her new shades for the 4th. Lookin' good kid! 

Out playing with bubbles. She loves for us to blow the bubbles and then she pops them in the grass. She either pokes them with a finger or she stomps on them. 

She was scared of the swings for some crazy reason for a couple months. Finally around the middle of June, she started swinging again but only if we held her. 

Ryan's Father's day gift from daycare - Shannon is so creative! One night, I watched Addison use her Cabbage Patch Kid and pretend to put paint on her hands and feet, then put them on the floor. Like she was making handprints and footprints - ha! 

We ran to the outlet mall one night. I put a hat on, Ryan had a hat as usual, so Addison insisted she has a hat. The couple hats we have are either too big or too small. The one she is wearing is an infant hat, haha! 

She thought she looked pretty good :) 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Ride the donkey!

So I was buying boxes of animal crackers and between Addison and Ryan, they weren't lasting very long in our house. When we visited Parker, they had a 5 pound container in their pantry. So we thought that might be the route to go. Addison couldn't contain her excitement when we put them in the cart, we had to open them RIGHT NOW! I love this picture - ha! 

Addison got this pink donkey for her 1st birthday from her friend Caleb. She loves him, clearly. It really is a great toy. You would think it would tire her out, but it doesn't.......

Friday, July 27, 2018

Addison's first parade

Bondurant had their Summerfest in the beginning of June. It's a small town with very few businesses, so the parade is quite small. But that was okay with us! It was the first parade we had taken Addison to. It was only about 3 houses away from ours, so it was perfect.

 She picked up pretty quick that she should pick up the candy off the ground. She would yell "Candy!!" when the candy was thrown. She would pick it up and collect it in her stroller. We have never given her candy, so she has no idea she can eat it. She just thinks she is supposed to play with it :)

We taught her to wave at the floats. The worst part was that she is so small that people didn't see her to wave back.

Addison with some of her loot. She was pretty proud! 

She LOVED picking up the candy. So I threw her candy back on the driveway and she was excited to pick it all up again - ha! 

This was a good first parade for Addison. Not crowded at all, so that was nice!! I'm dreading the day she learns you can eat candy.....

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

More in MN

There was this puzzle/game at the Como Park Zoo, these two could have spent all day there. They were stumped. ha! 

Letting Addison out of the stroller made a big difference. She was way more into the monkeys when she could put her nose on the glass. 

I sort of forgot about taking "good" pictures, so right before we left I had to snap a few. I really like these....two of my favorite girls! 

Look at that expression, ha! 

She was tuckered out after the zoo. She skipped her nap so she had to catch a cat nap on the way back to Kelly's. We never got rained on and it was a great afternoon! 

Sunday morning was our "Girls on the Run" race. We all were skeptical about whether Makena would make it the 3.2 miles. 

Kelly ran ahead to take our picture. 

Makena is still lookin' good....this was about .4 of the way away from the finish line. They wrote the girls' names in sidewalk chalk along the route. We told Makena if she found her name, she had to sprint for 10 seconds. We missed her name but Tracey was cheering us on and she spotted it. So we told Makena that counted as seeing it so she had to sprint. She took off like a bullet!! Apparently, Kelly and I were holding her back. haha! 

Makena's in the teal on the right, clearly had a lot left of energy.....she was a ways ahead of us! 

My first medal - haha! Definitely not my first race, but I've never gotten a medal. It was a fun race. Told Makena to let us know when she wanted to run another one. She said she was doing a tri-athlon in a couple weeks. We said we stick to running only :) 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Trip to MN

Since I'm not in school this summer and we are fully staffed at work, I wanted to make more of an effort to "do something" this summer. The last two summers have been overtaken by "just getting by" with everything I had going on. I worked three weekends in a row in May, but Memorial Day to the farm was the first "adventure". And Addison had a blast, so that's all that matters!

The next adventure was the first weekend in June, we head to Minneapolis. Makena wanted someone to run a "Girls on the Run" 5k with her. I said I could do it. I had about a months notice and I had barely started running. I wasn't sure if I would be ready.......

Then the weather forecast came out. Rain. All. Day. The race was on Sunday, and the rain was on Saturday, but still. We wanted to watch Parker's baseball game then head to Como Park Zoo. Parker's game times got moved to work around the rain. But still got to see him for a couple innings. We picked up Makena and she spent the day with us. A baseball game in the rain would not be on the top of Makena's list, but that girl never complains. I apparently didn't actually get a picture of Parker playing, but we were there :) 

And I was bound and determined to get Addison to a zoo. And Como Park is free and I wasn't sure when we would get back to MN. So we decided to roll the dice. We won. Never got rained on and there wasn't a ton of people there. Addison was scared of the monkeys (first exhibit we saw) at first, but then she loved them. She would squeal "Mon-Hee!!" They were super active too. I should have taken a picture of the gorilla, he was running around the pen and then fist-pounded the glass. Right next to Ryan's head. Ha!

You can get really close to the animals, it was really nice. Addison liked the giraffes. We showed her what an ostrich was too. More to come! 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Living in Addison's World

Addison doing her chores, taking out pop cans and recycling. 

Sometimes we joke that it's Addison's world, we are just living in it. ha! Addison gets something in her mind, and that's the way it's gonna be. No convincing her otherwise. 

Such as telling her she doesn't need to eat goldfish with a big spoon. 

Or that you could use a plate and that normal people don't eat pasta out of a strainer. 

Or that a pile of shredded cheese is really not a side dish. ha! If we have shredded cheese out for tacos, she gets super excited.

I took the photo above because I was so excited she was wanted to swing by herself. And since she's in an anti-picture phase, I was happy it actually turned out good! 

Friday, July 20, 2018

1st trip to the dentist

In the beginning of June, Addison had her first dentist check-up. I had heard good things about the dentist in Bondurant from a mom's Facebook page, so we gave it a shot. It's a brand new building, it was a really nice office. We were quite worried how this visit would go. If I haven't mentioned it before, Addison doesn't like strangers. Or basically anyone that isn't me, Ryan, or Shannon. ha! We had practiced trying to get her to open up and let us look at her teeth. She did okay with that, but not great. We got to the dentist office and she clung to me. The hygienist talked to her and Addison clammed up (as we expected). We had no hope we would ever get to look. After the hygienist left, she relaxed a little. Which is when I put her in the chair and took a quick picture. And yes, she is playing with bandaids from my purse. ha! Then the dentist came in and she freaked out. BUT he did great with her and was actually able to get a good look at her teeth. I was quite impressed. We will definitely be going back (all three of us go to different dentists, haha). 

Addison was practicing one of Landon's games......balancing something on a spoon and seeing how far you can walk. Ha! She was balancing her pigs and walking through the kitchen and living room very carefully.....

This picture made me laugh, I think she was pretending to be Shannon with a kid on each hip. She loves taking care of her babies! Feeding them, taking them for walks and putting them down to go night-night. She even covers them up with a blanket and gives them a kiss. :) 

Ryan took a shot at trying to get a good "2" picture. It might be the best we get! 

She fell asleep playing in the living room. She's sleeping on her pile of rags and a blanket. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Planting pumpkins

Since Brayden was at the farm Memorial Day weekend, Grandpa Ron enlisted his help planting pumpkins. Conner saved some of the pumpkin seeds from when he carved pumpkins last October and sent them to Grandpa Ron to plant. We will see if they grow! (We planted some backups just in case) 

Humboldt has gotten TONS of rain this past month. Bet my dad doesn't even remember the dirt looking this dry! 

As I said earlier, any time someone went to the four wheeler, Addison was close behind. Being that it was Brayden's first weekend driving the four wheeler, we decided he didn't need a passenger. :) But we at least had to take a picture.