Saturday, May 12, 2018

Visions of Easter Eggs

Well we caught up to Easter! I love holidays and everything about them. I was soo excited this year to dye eggs with Addison. So I went to the dollar store to buy an egg dying kit. I guess things have changed in 10 years since I used to buy kits for the other kids, there are tons of choices now! I stood there comparing all the boxes and finally ended up with one that you use a little plastic bag. 

You put the egg in the bag and then pour the dye in. Then roll the egg around. Ryan and I have noticed we don't always agree on how certain things should be done around the holidays. I hard-boiled eggs and he took the egg yolk out and only used the shell. So we decided to try both ways and see which one worked better. Ryan struggled to get the yolk out, he was trying to blow it out a pinhole. My way was definitely easier.....haha!

Addison loved part of the process of dying eggs. She loved taking the eggs and putting them in the bags and taking them back out. She loved lining the eggs up. She DID NOT love putting the color in the bags. This was very upsetting to my child.....I think she thought they were getting "dirty" and she didn't like that. I saw a little bit of myself in her that day.....she likes to organize and line things up....and doesn't like things dirty. haha!

Despite the photos in the beginning of the post where it looks like she's having fun, this is how most of the process looked. :)

Ryan's trying to tell her it's okay, we want the eggs to be colored. I'm not sure she's believing him. 

And this is how the event ended. She folded her arms and cried. Grandma Rita thought these photos looked like mom.....I think her memories have changed in 30 years. Maybe she is thinking of Aunt Kelly instead - ha!

Well we had to force the process, there was no excitement from Addison, and we got 3 eggs dyed. Oh yea, she loved the packets of dye and squeezing them....she just didn't like it when we actually used them! I was pretty disappointed, I was really excited to have fun dying eggs with her. We didn't even try the Easter bunny this year.....remember last year and the Easter Gorilla?

She is terrified of Cy so we figured we better not attempt the Easter Bunny this year. Plus I know how long those lines get at Bass Pro. Maybe next year I will go get in line and make Ryan and Addison come later! 

This was less than 10 seconds later from the crying photo. Once she got down from the table, she played on the step stool happy as can be for the next 20 minutes. 

Next year kiddo, we are decorating eggs! 

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