Thursday, May 24, 2018

More from KC

Addison enjoyed sending Cooper outside and then watching him from the window. She found this very exciting. Much more than Cooper did....she kept wanting to send him out and sometimes he just stood there at the door and stared back at her. This weekend at the farm, she will have three dogs to look out the window at!

Just watching a little Sunday morning movie. Addison didn't always sit still, but she did for a little bit! 


It was such a fun weekend, glad we had time to visit. We will get to MN to see those cousins in a few weeks! 

Addison was very in to watching them play wii. And giving hi-fives when they did good. When she gives hi-fives, she says "up high" ha!

And Aunt Nicole! She finally warmed up to everyone Sunday morning when we were getting ready to leave.

About two miles after we left, she was passed out. She only slept about an hour though. 

First McDonald's happy meal. And that nibble was about all she ate. ha! She did eat a few fries though. 

It was a good trip and Addison did well in the car both ways. Can't wait to go back this summer to go swimming outside and ride in the golf cart!! 

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