Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Naked Cowgirl

This was the first night I gave Addison the iPad and showed her a few games. She caught on pretty quick!! She keeps hitting the home button though and getting out of the games, so I need to figure out if I can lock it somehow. You have to constantly watch what she's getting into!

Figured we didn't have a picture of her giant sleepsack. This thing is huge! When we first put it on her this winter, she couldn't even walk in it. You can't see, but it does have foot holes. She might be wearing this thing until she's 5 :) 

I posted photos a while ago, she still loves to pile up her rags and lay on them. 

The finale for today: The Naked Cowgirl! She reminds me of the naked cowboy in New York, although he doesn't have the bling she does. This is what she does every time we take a bath. We have to chase her around to get her undressed then she runs for the bunny. She apparently must think the bunny will help her gallop away from us! haha. Crazy kid.

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