Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Easter!

Addison loves snuggling with Grandpa Ron! We are shocked that she will climb up on the couch and sit with him when we are there, but she does. She has always had a special bond with Grandpa Ron, it might have something to do with JJ. But JJ isn't in Ames, so who knows! 

She clearly was in a good mood the Saturday before Easter....she was taking pictures with everyone! The Skjevelands told us they were coming to Ames on a Friday night so we decided to go see them. And the Prescotts and my mom and dad were just getting home from Pheonix, so we convinced them to stay too. The KC Julius' were busy, but it was still a nice impromptu gathering! 

The Skjevelands went to church with us on Saturday. Our church had a lunch and activities. Most of the activities were too old for Addison, but she did like the live bunnies! Yes that's a bunny. I wasn't really sure what end I was petting at first, but then I saw some ears. :)

Addison did pretty good at church. Conner learned he could make a living off playing video games and posting it to You Tube. I'm sure Tracey & Hugh like his new life plan. He also told us that weekend that he's going to pay for college by gambling. Uncle Landon said when he's ready to start to let him know, he knows a guy. ha! It's always an entertaining adventure with the Skjeveland kids!

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